sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Visitamos a Yoni en Munich - 10-13 Junio

Este finde visita a 2 elementos fantásticos: Manu y Yoni. Muy completo, hemos tenido un poco de todo: cena en Zoozie'z, bicicleta por el Isar, fiesta en Paradise Club, comida en Biergarten, gran premio de F1, termas de Erding, ... Y vamos a ser sinceros, también tuvo su parte Planloss!


Gracias Yoni por el recibimiento! Y a Peter por la bici! Y a Manu por la revista que me va a enseñar a hacer caballitos!

Un abrazo y hasta pronto, Dacio

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

ERASMUS TREFFEN Aachen 2001-2002 - June 2011

Rudy Verhelst
if I have learned one thing this weekend, than it is that travelling back in time IS possible. Thursday I stepped on the train to Aachen which I used to take so often with no high expectations but just curiosity who would be there and what had become of them. After less than one hour with you guys (and a bit more than one beer :-) ) I realised that the wonderfull experience we had so long ago just continued - as if those 9 years in between had never been there. Thanks a lot for the wonderful flashback weekend and I hope we can do this again. See you all in June 2016!

Giusy Fotia
Before last 4 days I used to think there was nothing like Erasmus in Aachen, but now I've changed my mind: better than one year of Eramus in Aachen there's only the 10-year after Reunion with you all!!!!!!!! thanx for being there, thanx for making this possible! ♥ you all ♥ !!!!!!

Cinzia Amico
Norvegian salsa, Spanish BBQ, Italian shyness, Finnish salama with no cetrioli, mix it up with a Belgian Polyglot and you'll have a lot of ....EMOTION!! Thank you Erasmus people! Miss you already! 

and many more...